Female Fitness Tips For Life: Realistic Advice For Busy Women

Osteopathic Healing Hands Team | June 29, 2023

If you’re a busy woman who’s trying to get back into fitness to regain your body confidence and feel like you did when you were younger, we understand that it can be very difficult.

With so much advice out there, it can be really overwhelming and confusing.

You want to get to the gym, go for runs, and work up a sweat…

But you don’t know what type of workouts to do, how to recover, what’s best for you, and what mistakes you could be making.

No wonder you’re struggling to keep in shape.

Especially once you hit 30 and beyond because that’s when you have a lot more responsibilities and much less time.

So what’s the solution?

Well, you shouldn’t give up on your fitness goals.

You’ve set this goal because it’s important to you.

Whether that’s to lose weight and feel more confident in your clothes again.

Or you want to be able to play in the park with your kids or grandkids without being out of breath and panting.

Maybe you have more ambitious goals to run a 10K, or get back to compete in sports you enjoyed in high school and college.

Whatever your fitness goal…

You can achieve them, and here are some REALISTIC fitness tips designed for busy women like you.

Fitness Tip For Life – Create An Achievable Exercise Routine

A common reason women struggle to stick to their exercise plans and achieve their fitness goals is that they make it really hard to feel like they are winning.

Often there is a goal to get back to the shape you were when you were in your early 20s.

But, you might fail to take into account that in your early 20s, you didn’t have as intense a career, didn’t have a home to look after, and didn’t have a family who relied upon you.

All of these additional things you now do – which are still blessings, and certainly not a bad thing – reduce the amount of time and energy you have.

So if you could train 4 times a week in your 20s, that might be totally unrealistic now.

And setting yourself a goal to exercise 4 times a week means you are setting yourself up for failure.

To feel like you’ve let yourself down.

To feel like you’re not doing good enough.

Instead, consider what is realistic for your fitness routine.

If it’s twice a week, then that’s amazing.

Set that realistic goal, and you will feel much more positive as you exercise and work towards your fitness goal.

Fitness Tip For Life – Prioritize Sleep And Give Yourself Some Grace When You’re Getting Poor Sleep

Many of the women we work with in our stretch program are moms with young children.

And with children, your sleeping pattern is much less in your control which means some days, you are going to be running on very little energy.

What often happens is that busy moms try to force themselves to train hard when they are exhausted and operating on a few hours of broken sleep.

This is incredibly difficult, and can actually be detrimental to your success.

Sleep is vital for recovery, and training hard when you aren’t sleeping enough can lead to you picking up injuries that stop you from exercising entirely.

On the days when your kids have kept you up most of the night, give yourself some grace.

This can mean you rearrange your week and have an extra rest day.

Or you switch up your exercise plan, and take it a little bit easier with a shorter workout, or you just go for a walk or stretching session instead of a hard run or lifting session.

Fitness Tip For Life – Get Very Clear On What You Are Doing

When we are unclear on anything, it’s very hard to do it.

And it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed and end up procrastinating.

So, a very important fitness tip – especially for busy women who need to make the most of their limited exercise time – is to get clarity on what you are doing and why you are doing it.

You might have made this mistake in the past…

Getting to the gym and then thinking “What should I do?”

The gym is often a place that’s quite intimidating for women, and somewhere you feel self-conscious and afraid of being judged.

So the last thing you want to do is be uncertain about what you’re doing and why.

Instead, get an exercise program that is focused on your specific goals, and learn how to do the exercises so you can be confident when you start to exercise.

This will make it much easier to enjoy your workouts, rather than feeling anxious, worried, and lacking motivation.

Achieve Your Fitness Goals With Our Stretch Program

These 3 fitness tips should give you a much better chance of hitting your fitness goals, and allowing you to feel happier about your body.

If you are serious about your fitness goals, or realize that you need a little bit more support, you could be a perfect fit for our Unleash Your Inner Strength Program.

This is our very popular program that has helped women just like you who want to feel healthier, fitter, and stronger, but struggle with working out on their own.

To find out more, you can arrange a Free Taster Session with our expert team who will listen to your story, your goals and answer your questions so you can decide whether our Unleash Your Inner Strength Program is right for you!

Discover How To Move Your Body Like A 21 Year Old Again

If you want instant access to expert advice which will help you feel younger, move better, and get more energy, download our free report now!

Download Your Free Report – Transform Your Life As A Woman

This is written by Houston’s leading osteopath, Dr. Payel Banik, who has helped thousands of people recover from injuries, move without pain, and live a life they love!

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